How You Start Your Day Counts

Whether or not we choose to believe it, for the most part
you and I have a clean slate with each new sun rise.
Whatever happened yesterday, good or bad is now rooted in
the past.

In the moment in which we now find ourselves, we have the
ability to focus in on and do the things which will serve us
for the better, or we can give our attention to those things
which will re-ignite whatever thoughts were causing us to
remain stuck.

We have a choice, and fortunately, it isn't all that
difficult to set the tone early on in your day. Does that
mean you're guaranteed not to meet with a challenge early on
that will knock you off course or throw you for a loop? Of
course not, but in the event that something (or someone)
shows up with such an agenda you'll find yourself a lot more
prepared to deal with it and be able to adjust course

Here are some simple, but effective ideas you can use to
start your day out on a positive note.

Upon waking up, name at least ten people you're thankful for
- recount those in your life who've had a positive impact on
you. Think of those who have in some way helped to make you
the unique person you are.

Don't sell yourself short here. No matter what place you may
find yourself in now, you're still an amazing person, with
unique gifts and talents. You don't have to believe it, but
it's still the absolute truth!

Practicing gratitude is a powerful thing that helps to
reconnect us with our inner power, and the abilities which
make up who we are.

Give thanks for your talents and skills - each of us has
been blessed with special skills and talents. You may not
feel as though you've completely developed all of yours up
to this point in your life, but that doesn't change the fact
that you've got them.

Think through those things that others compliment you on,
those are talents. Don't underestimate all the amazing bits
and pieces that go into making you the person you are. As
you identify and give thanks for the talents that were
bestowed upon you commit to develop them and become more
proficient in their use.

Write down your days most important action steps the night
before - The simple act of writing down the following days
most important tasks will give you a plan to move on the
next day. Keep in mind that you can get the most productive
mileage if you'll put your "super tasks" at the top, where
you'll complete them first.

For the purpose of this article consider Super Tasks as
those things which upon their completion will give you the
absolute most bang for your buck. Consider the difference
between a "super task" and say one of lesser importance. A
super task might be: calling on a prospective client, while
one that doesn't quite hold such importance in the grand
scheme of things might be: cut the grass.

While both are important, and you may very well want to get
both done, the simple fact is the first example is going to
lead towards a greater reward then the latter. You see, it's
more a matter of separating items which fall into the
category of "busy work" versus those which can move us
forward at a maximum pace. Another such "super task" might
be to spend time studying your industry or chosen

Review the actions steps you wrote down the night before -
As you are looking over the items you wrote down, close your
eyes and see yourself completing them and experiencing the
wonderful sense of accomplishment for having done so.

After you have visualized yourself finishing the items on
your daily action list take a deep breath and begin your day
working on and completing them.

Keep in mind that each new day is just that -- an
opportunity to turn the page, and implement daily actions
that can steer your life in the direction you wish it to go.

You can sail your ship, or choose to remain mired in
inaction and float aimlessly, dependent upon whatever life
may throw your way. My sincere hope for you is that you will
choose the first option.

- It's your life, LIVE BIG! Josh Hinds